Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2019)
Volume 10 (2018)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2012)
Volume 3 (2011)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
Number of Volumes 16
Number of Issues 30
Number of Articles 320
Number of Contributors 561
Article View 263,651
PDF Download 306,399
View Per Article 823.91
PDF Download Per Article 957.5
Number of Submissions 1,704
Rejected Submissions 1,280
Reject Rate 75
Accepted Submissions 269
Acceptance Rate 16
Time to Accept (Days) 135
Number of Indexing Databases 16
Number of Reviewers 35

The Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (JELTL) is a peer-reviewed open-access international semiannual journal in English devoted to the fields of the English language teaching and learning, published by the University of Tabriz and is scientifically sponsored by the Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI). The Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning (JELTL) publishes both conceptual and research-based articles within the fields of teaching English as a second or foreign language, English language teaching and learning, and English language teachers' training and education. The primary audiences are language program administrators, teachers and professors, and postgraduate students pursuing master's or doctoral degrees in applied linguistics or the teaching of English as a second/foreign language. Additional possible readers are educational administrators and those working in language education in primary or secondary schools. It is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original articles, review articles, etc., considering the research ethics and academic rules and regulations. The journal aims to publish research and review papers on the most recent issues and developments in the field. All papers are subject to a double-blind reviewing process.


About the Journal:

Journal Title: Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning

Country of Publication: Iran, Tabriz.

Publisher: University of Tabriz

Scientific Sponsorship Society: Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI)

Director-in-Charge: Professor Ali Akbar Ansarin

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Farahman Farrokhi

Scientific & Executive Manager: Dr. Mohammad Zohrabi

Subject Area: English language teaching and learning

Format: Print and Online

Print    ISSN: 2251-7995

Online ISSN: 2676-6876

Frequency: Semiannual

Language: English

Open Access: Yes, free access to articles

Article types: Research and review papers

Primary Review: 10 days, approximately

Peer Review Policy: Double-blind peer-review

Average refereeing time: 24 weeks

Acceptance percentage: 20%

Article Processing Charges:  Yes. The publication fee is 5000000 Rials, after the final approval and before the issuance of the acceptance certificate.

Citation Style: The APA referencing style

Website: https://elt.tabrizu.ac.ir

E-mail: elt@tabrizu.ac.ir    

Tel: +98 (0) 4133392131 | The Response time: Saturday to Wednesday from 8:00 to 14.30. 

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English language learning
The Relationships between EFL Students’ Cultural Intelligence, Emo-Sensory Intelligence, Language Learning Strategies, and English Language Achievement

Hassan Hadi Abd Alsajjad Albalawee; Reza Pishghadam; Shaghayegh Shayesteh

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 1-22


  The present research was targeted toward examining the relationship between cultural intelligence (CQ), emo-sensory intelligence (ESQ), language learning strategies (LLS), and students’ language achievement (LA). A number of 300 EFL Iraqi students studying at the English Language Department of ...  Read More

English language teaching
Global Citizenship Education (GCE): A Study on the Philosophical Foundations and Educational Norms of the Iranian National and Educational Documents with respect to the Promotion of the GCE Goals in Formal English Language Education

Leily Afsar; Gholam-Reza Kiyani

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 23-45


  As a controversial subject, globalization has affected various aspects of our lives. Today, the intertwined world is run through complicated relationships and the education of competent human capitals has gained more significance than before. Recently, there has been a movement, known as Global Citizenship ...  Read More

English language learning
The Effect of Web 2.0 Technology on Language Achievement and Self-Regulated Learning of EFL Learners: A Case of WhatsApp

Mohammad Ahmadnejad; Naseh Rahimi; Rozhin Ghaslani

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 46-73


  This study scrutinized the impact of Web 2.0 on the language achievement and self-regulated learning of Iranian EFL learners in online language courses. A mixed-methods approach was employed to leverage the Learning Management System (LMS) alongside WhatsApp as a supplementary tool in the experimental ...  Read More

English language teaching
A Comparative Study of the Teaching Challenges Faced by Newly-hired and Experienced Teachers Teaching at Different Age Levels

Anis Askarpour; Mansour Ganji; Sahar Hayatolain

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 74-96


  Iran Language Institute (ILI) plays a crucial role in teaching English in Iran and offers a comprehensive Teacher Training Course (TTC) for the teachers before their being employed. Still, these teachers encounter difficulties in different areas, but there are few studies investigating the teaching challenges ...  Read More

English language teaching
Syntactic Complexity and Lexical Diversity in L1/L2 Writing of EFL Learners

Fazel Alaei; Shiva Kaivanpanah; Maedeh Mohammadi

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 97-115


  lexical diversity of argumentative and narrative writings of L2 learners, and the contribution of syntactic complexity and lexical diversity to the writing quality in the L2 argumentative and narrative writings of EFL learners. To this end, 46 pre-intermediate and intermediate Iranian EFL learners from ...  Read More

English language teaching
Adapting English Language Education to the EIL Framework: A Case Study of Expanding Circle Countries

Mohammad Reza Anani Sarab; َAbbas Monfared

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 116-134


  The pluricentricity of English language has led to the appearance of new trends in English language education. This is especially important in Expanding Circle (EC) countries to develop intercultural communication among learners. The current study attempted to investigate the views of Iranian Englishteachers ...  Read More

English language learning
Gamification and the Duality of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

Elham Daliranfirouz; Mohammad Amiryousefi; Renata Geld; Daryoush Nejad Ansari

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 135-150


  This study aimed to investigate the influence of a gamification-enhanced language classroom within the context of Moodle in promoting extrinsic and intrinsic motivational attributes of language learners. A total of 220 language learners from different universities in Iran were recruited as the participants ...  Read More

English language learning
Contributions of the Keyword Method, Thematic Clustering and Developing Morphological Awareness to the Iranian EFL learners’ Mastery of Low Frequency English Words

Farahman Farrokhi; Fatemeh Gholami

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 151-171


  This study investigated the effects of three vocabulary development strategies of keyword method, thematic clustering and developing morphological awareness on the Iranian EFL learners’ vocabulary repertoire. Adopting a quasi-experimental design, sixty high-intermediate to advanced Iranian EFL ...  Read More

English language teaching
Teacher Corrective Feedback on Learners’ Pragmatic Failure: Types of Feedback in Online Pragmatics Instruction

Sama Ghadiri; Zia Tajeddin; Minoo Alemi

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 172-193


  Objective: Research on corrective feedback (CF) in L2 pragmatics instruction, especially in online teaching, is still in its infancy. To address this gap, this study sought to examine the types of CF provided by EFL teachers in online classes in response to the learners’ pragmalinguistically and ...  Read More

English language teaching
Evaluation of English Language Teacher Professional Development Programs in an EFL Context: A Mixed Method Study

Saja Ghasem Tahimash; Reza Khani; Leila Shoja

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 194-213


  This study intended to assess how ELT teachers evaluate the quality of Pre and In-service TPD Programs in an EFL context. Data for this study came from a survey and follow-up interviews with 300 high school EFL teachers. The findings suggest that the ELT teachers recommend professional development programs ...  Read More

English language learning
Overrepresentation and underrepresentation of cohesive devices in EFL learners’ translated and free narrative writings

Jabal Hassan; Manijeh Youhanaee; Zargham Ghabanchi

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 214-227


  This study aimed at investigating the L2 rhetorical organization of translation and free writing tasks in terms of cohesive devices used by Iraqi intermediate EFL learners in the narrative genre. To do so, 30 Iraqi intermediate EFL learners at Kufa university took part in the study. The participants ...  Read More

English language teaching
Examining the Roles of Sapioemotionality-Angloemotionality and Sensory Motivation in English Language Achievement

Ahmad Fawad Kakar; Reza Pishghadam; Elham Naji Meidani

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 228-242


  Emphasizing the significance of students' attitudes and emotions in the learning process, this study utilized Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to investigate the roles of sapio-emotionality, angloemotionality, and sensory motivation in learners' academic accomplishments. The key aim was to devise a ...  Read More

English language teaching
Cognitive Amplification: Exploring the Impact of Multimodal Input Enhancement on Working Memory and Collocation Acquisition in Iranian EFL Learners across Age Groups

Katayoun Mansouri; Jaleh Hassaskhah; Esmaeel Ali Salimi

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 243-259


  Acknowledging the critical role of working memory in language acquisition, this study examines the effects of multimodal input enhancement on working memory capacity (WMC) and collocation learning in adolescent and adult EFL learners. A cohort of 117 participants was randomly assigned to either experimental ...  Read More

English language learning
The impact of using multimedia glosses on vocabulary acquisition: The case of Iranian intermediate EFL learners

Ahmadreza Nikbakht; Golnar Mazdayasna

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 260-277


  This study aimed to explore the effect of multimedia glosses on the vocabulary acquisition of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. The program employed in this study provided the learners with glosses for words in the form of sounds and videos. The participants were 40 intermediate EFL learners studying ...  Read More

English language teaching
The Utility of Lexical Bundle Teaching for Improving ESP Learners’ Writing Ability on IELTS

Maryam Rafieyan; Farzad Salahshour; Hanieh Davatgari Asl

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 278-297


  Objective: The effectiveness of Lexical Bundle (LBs) instruction for facilitating writing skill development has been a controversial issue in language teaching. This study examined the impact of LBs instruction on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learners’ performance on IELTS writing task 2. Methods: ...  Read More

English language teaching
Iranian EFL Academics’ and PhD Candidates’ Perceptions toward the Infusion of Critical Thinking into EFL Curriculum

Maryam Soleimani; Zahra Aghazadeh

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 298-315


  Critical thinking (CT) abilities have failed to receive the necessary consideration in applied linguistics. Thus, this study was intended to explore English as a Foreign Language (EFL) academics and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) candidates’ perceptions of embedding CT into the EFL curricula in Iran. ...  Read More

English language teaching
A Systematic Review of Instagram as a Mobile Assisted Language Learning Tool in English as a Second/Foreign Language

Farshid Tayari Ashtiani; Manouchehr Jafarigohar; Hoda Divsar; Maryam Farnia

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 316-340


  In recent years, Instagram has gained considerable attention in scientific research because of its popularity among English language learners. This study aimed to conduct a systematic review of empirical studies that investigated the use of Instagram as a mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) tool ...  Read More

English language teaching
Implementing group dynamic assessment to enhance Iranian high school students’ grammar ability

Nouroddin Yousefi; Sajjad Velayati; Saman Ebadi

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 341-358


  Theoretically drawing on Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of mind (SCT) and following a sequential exploratory mixed method design, this study probed into the impact of Group Dynamic Assessment (GDA) on the short and long-term Iranian high school students’ grammar ability. Also, a focus group ...  Read More

English language teaching
A Study of Quality and Quantity of Nominal Groups in the Vision and Interchange Series

Reza Abdi; Vali Mohammadi; Maryam Amani

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 359-372


  Materials evaluation plays an important role in language teaching as it helps practitioners to develop an awareness of the coverage and quality of the existing materials and as such, guides most instruction and revision decisions. Therefore, we sought to evaluate three English Vision textbooks exclusively ...  Read More

English language teaching
On the Effectiveness of Involvement Load Components on L2 Vocabulary Learning

Zahra Memarnia; Abbas Ali Zarei

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 373-390


  Objective: The involvement load hypothesis posits that the higher the involvement load of a task, the more effective it will be in improving students’ lexical learning. It does not differentiate between the different components of involvement load (need, search, and evaluation). Nor does it assume ...  Read More

English language learning
The Relationship between EFL Learners’ Self-efficacy, Strategy Use and their Performance on a Grammar Test: Is there any Difference between High and Low Self-efficacious Learners?

Arezoo Nasimi; Mansour Tavakoli; Mohsen Rezazadeh

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, Pages 391-414


  Since the emphasis of the studies has shifted from a teacher-centered approach to a learner-centered one, researchers have discovered the significance of variables originating inside learners during the learning process. The present study was an attempt to focus on self-efficacy and strategy use as two ...  Read More

The Influence of Collaboration on Individual Writing Quality: The Case of Iranian vs. Malaysian College Students

Parviz Ajideh; Gerhard Leitner; Seyed Yasin Yazdi-Amirkhiz

Volume 8, Issue 17 , July 2016, , Pages 1-24

  This study purported to comparatively investigate the influence of collaborative writing on the quality of individual writing of four female Iranian and four female Malaysian students. The first semester students at a private university in Malaysia, who were comparable in terms of age, gender, study ...  Read More

The Effect of Topic Bias on the Writing Proficiency of Extrovert/Introvert EFL Learners

Elaheh Sotoudehnama; Fatemeh Moini

Volume 5, Issue 11 , November 2013, , Pages 145-171

  This study was intended to find out any possible effect of topic bias on the writing proficiency of Iranian extrovert/introvert EFL learners at high/low writing proficiency levels. One hundred participants chosen from among 150 adult language learners on the basis of their personality type (extrovert/introvert) ...  Read More

A pragmatic Analysis of Personal Metadiscourse and Politeness Principle across Genres: From Relevance to Adaptation

Omid Allaf-Akbary; Rajab Esfandiari; Abbas Ali Zarei

Volume 12, Issue 25 , June 2020, , Pages 1-31


  This study investigated personal metadiscourse units across genres. Based on Ädel’s (2006) taxonomy of the discourse functions of personal metadiscourse and Leech’s (2014) grand strategy of politeness, three spoken genres were compared in terms of the use of personal metadiscourse functions ...  Read More

Investigating effects of digital gamification-based language learning: a systematic review

Hossein Dehganzadeh; Hojjat Dehganzadeh

Volume 12, Issue 25 , June 2020, , Pages 53-93


  The purpose of this study is to investigate and synthesize the trends and key findings of the studies related to gamification as a new method in the field of learning a Foreign language (LFL) over the past 11 years. Databases including Web of Science, ERIC, and Scopus were searched for this purpose, ...  Read More

The Use of Lexical Bundles in Native and Non-native Post-graduate Writing: The Case of Applied Linguistics MA Theses

Zahra Amirian; Somayeh Ketabi; Hamed Eshaghi

Volume 5, Issue 11 , November 2013, , Pages 1-29

  Connor et al. (2008) mention “specifying textual requirements of genres” (p.12) as one of the reasons which have motivated researchers in the analysis of writing. Members of each genre should be able to produce and retrieve these textual requirements appropriately to be considered communicatively ...  Read More

English language teaching
EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Interaction-based Learning and Their ‎Willingness to Communicate

Sura Mohamed Kamkam; Mahmoud Afrouz; ضرغام قبانچی; Manijeh Youhanaee

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 August 2023


  Studies on teaching asecond/foreign language present evidence that affirms the significance of interaction in language learning and its function in facilitating learners' attempts to gain competency in an L2. They also consider learners’ affective states and their perceptions of classroom ...  Read More

English language teaching
Pragmatic Instruction and Speaking Ability of EFL Learners in Virtual vs. Face-to-face Classroom Contexts: Expressive, Declarative, and Directive Speech Acts in Focus

Hussein Al Khafaji; Zahra Amirian; Mohammad Amiryousefi; Abbas Sultan

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 08 November 2023


  This study was an attempt to see whether the instruction of pragmatic markers in virtual vs. real classroom settings and in universities vs. private institutes had any effect on EFL learners’ speaking ability. A group of 224 EFL learners of English Translation and English teaching passing conversation ...  Read More

English language learning
“Key Words for Fluency” or “1100”? A Mixed-Methods Study to Probe into the State of Language Progress, Willingness to Communicate, and Academic Engagement from the Voices of EFL Learners

Ehsan Namaziandost; Hossein Kargar Behbahani; Goodarz Shakibaei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 April 2024


  This investigation aimed to inform instructional practices that foster linguistic development and enhance the overall language learning experience by unraveling the nuanced dynamics at play. To this end, the researchers explored the influence of two distinct vocabulary books, "Keyword for Fluency" ...  Read More

English language learning
Assessing the Effects of Funds of Identity on L2 Learners’ Willingness to Read E-books

Afsar Rouhi; Afsaneh Saeedakhtar; Behrooz seifi; Reza Abdi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 03 May 2024


  Objective: This study explores the effect of recruiting topics valued by students along with the interest-igniting mode of reading texts, collectively framed as funds of identity, on willingness to read. Methods: To this end, three groups of students were recruited. Over a 17-session experiment, all ...  Read More

English language learning
Online and Face-to-Face Instructions Interplay and Language Learning: Instructors’ and Learners' Perspective

parisa Abazari; Abbas Ali Rezaee; Nasrin Bahrainy

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 June 2024


  Abstract The use of blended learning (BL) in foreign language teaching is becoming increasingly popular among language teachers worldwide. Since there is a dearth of studies dealing with BL in the context of Iran, conducting this study is significant to clarify learners' and instructors' perceptions ...  Read More

English language learning
The Role of Persian L1 and English L2 on the Acquisition of German L3 Indefinite Frequency Adverbs

Emad Khosravani; Ali Akbar Jabbari; Ali Mohammad Fazilatfar; Mohammad Javad Rezai

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 02 July 2024


  This study aims to identify the role of transfer in the L3 acquisition of indefinite frequency adverbs, be it L1, L2 or both; to determine whether CLI occurs on a feature-by-feature basis or as a wholesale phenomenon; to investigate the influence of the learners' L2 proficiency on the L3 acquisition ...  Read More

English language teaching
The Role of Construct Validity in Designing English Language Assessment Tasks

Seyedeh Elham Elhambakhsh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 15 July 2024


  The field of language assessment, commemorating its 40th anniversary since the launch of language testing, has evolved significantly over the years. This study aimed to investigate the key findings and insights from exploring the role of construct validity in shaping the design of English Language Assessment ...  Read More

English language teaching
Enhancing EFL Students' Essay Writing Proficiency through Input Flooding Strategies for Parallel Structure: An Examination of Flipped Online versus Flipped Face-to-Face Instructional Models

mehri farzaneh; farzaneh khodabndeh; Ehsan Rezvani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 19 July 2024


  This study investigates the impact of input flooding techniques on the utilization of parallel structures in essay writing among EFL learners, comparing two instructional settings: flipped online and flipped face-to-face. A total of 73 participants were randomly assigned to three groups: the flipped ...  Read More

English language teaching
The Effect of Feedback Scope Through Digital Modality (Synchronous vs. Asynchronous) on Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency of Iranian EFL Learners’ Written Productions

Reihane Shoghi; Mansoor Tavakoli; Zahra Amirian

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 01 September 2024


  This study investigated the effectiveness of two different scopes of corrective feedback on enhancing the complexity, accuracy, and fluency of L2 written productions among 150 intermediate EFL learners participating in intact online courses. The corrective feedback scope includes highly focused and comprehensive ...  Read More

English language learning
Constructing a Local Rubric for Iranian EFL High School Learners’ Speaking Skill: High School Teachers and University Professors’ Voices

Ayatollah Razmjoo; Bahman Hasanzade

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 02 September 2024


  Reviewing the literature, there is an evident lack of appropriate research on the potential difficulties of assessing speaking skill and the urgent need of more rigorous assessment of speaking skill and its intricacies. This study aimed to develop a collaborative local rubric for assessing Iranian high ...  Read More

English language learning
Interplay Between Professional Identity and Emotional Quotient of Iranian Female EFL University Teachers in the Habitual Burnout Phase

Raziyeh Fallah; Azizeh Chalak; Hossein Heidari Tabrizi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 September 2024


  Following an explanatory sequential design, this study explored the possible association between the Professional Identity (PI) of Iranian female EFL university teachers in the Habitual Burnout (HB) phase and their Emotional Quotient (EQ). In the quantitative phase, a Structural Equation Model (SEM) ...  Read More

English language learning
AI-assisted EAP Testing: A Case of Academic IELTS Writing by Iranian EFL Learners

vahid reza mirzaeian; Katayoun Oskoui; Zohreh Nafissi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 07 October 2024


  Objective: A plethora of studies have explored the employment of AI bots in academic writing. Yet, exploring the strategies employed by Iranian EFL learners while using an AI bot to complete academic IELTS writing task 2 has been underestimated. Methods: To address the lacuna, this qualitative study ...  Read More

English language teaching
A Systematic Review of Technology-Mediated Feedback Research: Insights and Future Directions

Rana Rahimi; Saman Ebadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 07 October 2024


  This study builds on technology-mediated feedback research up to 2020 to provide an updated account. It offers an overview of contextual trends, feedback focus, and the types of technology and software used. The analysis focuses on peer-reviewed studies examining technology-mediated corrective feedback ...  Read More

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