Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

2 Institute teacher


This study examines the influence of output-based podcasts (OBPs), the mediating effect of funds of identity (FoI), and teacher corrective feedback (CF) on L2 speaking of Iranian pre-intermediate learners and their willingness to communicate (WTC). The study also surveys the attitudes of the experimental groups toward OBPs and CF, as well as their probable attitude and WTC changes over time. To these ends, 60 participants recruited were randomly divided into two experimental groups (the OBPs + CF and theOBPs – CF group) and a control group. Podcasts were created based on themes congruent and incongruent with students' FoI. The data was collected through pretest, immediate and delayed posttests, (attitude, WTC, and FoI) questionnaires, reflective journals, as well as an interview. Results demonstrated that OBPs improved the experimental groups’ speaking ability. Moreover, CF pushed learners to perform better. FoI also proved to be pivotal in triggering learners’ WTC. Learners had positive attitudes toward OBPs as well as FoI in improving their speaking skill. Furthermore, learners’ WTC changed positively over time as a result of creating podcasts. Integrating FoI into creating podcasts improved learners' performance and their WTC.


Main Subjects