Volume 16 (2024)
Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2019)
Volume 10 (2018)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2012)
Volume 3 (2011)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
English language teaching
Global Citizenship Education (GCE): A Study on the Philosophical Foundations and Educational Norms of the Iranian National and Educational Documents with respect to the Promotion of the GCE Goals in Formal English Language Education

Leily Afsar; Gholam-Reza Kiyani

Volume 16, Issue 33 , June 2024, , Pages 23-45


  As a controversial subject, globalization has affected various aspects of our lives. Today, the intertwined world is run through complicated relationships and the education of competent human capitals has gained more significance than before. Recently, there has been a movement, known as Global Citizenship ...  Read More

Pedagogical content knowledge and expertise in ELT

Elham Yazdanmehr; Ramin Akbari; Gholamreza Kiany

Volume 12, Issue 25 , June 2020, , Pages 323-342


  In an attempt to shed light on how expert teachers of English language are distinguished from non-experts, the present research explored how pedagogical content knowledge, as a characteristic of experts relates to four other dimensions of expertise in ELT. These include teacher’s experience, cognitive ...  Read More