An Analysis of EFL Narrative Structure and Foreign Language Proficiency [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 29-53]
Activity Theory (AT)
A Comparative Study of Writing Assessment Using Activity Theory-Based Assessment Model (ATBAM) and a Traditional Approach [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 1-25]
Activity Theory-Based Assessment Model (ATBAM)
A Comparative Study of Writing Assessment Using Activity Theory-Based Assessment Model (ATBAM) and a Traditional Approach [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 1-25]
ACT series
Visual Representation of Culture in a Locally Developed EFL Series [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 157-187]
Contributions of KARDS to Iranian EFL University Teachers’ Professional Identity [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 127-156]
Authentic Assessment
Authenticity of “Language Town” as an Innovation in Assessing Learners’ Speaking Ability: Moving towards a Virtual Language Town (VLT) [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 289-302]
The Effect of Task Type on Autonomous EFL Learners’ Interactive Negotiations in a Text-based Synchronous Computer-mediated Context [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 177-200]
The Effect of Dogme Language Teaching (Dogme ELT) on L2 Speaking and Willingness to Communicate (WTC) [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 261-288]
An Analysis of EFL Narrative Structure and Foreign Language Proficiency [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 29-53]
Cognitive Complexity
Cognitively Complex Tasks and Individual Differences: Two Influential Factors in Iranian EFL Learners’ Written Text Quality [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 95-126]
Collaborative writing
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Scaffoldings in Improving the Abstract Genre Structure in a Collaborative Learning Environment: A CALL Study [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 327-356]
Critical Events
Exploring English Language Literacy as a Form of Narrative by Tracing Life and Resistance Stories in Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 253-275]
Critical language awareness (CLA)
“This Is a Food Ad but It Is Presenting Gender Stereotypes!”: Practicing Critical Language Awareness in an Iranian EFL Context [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 227-259]
The political aspects of positivist ELT research articles [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 155-176]
Curriculum reform
A Change without a Change!!: National Curriculum Reform and EFL Teachers’ Motivation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 293-325]
Data commentary
Exploring Phrasal Complexity Features in Graduate Students’ Data Commentaries and Research Articles [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 115-153]
Dogme ELT
The Effect of Dogme Language Teaching (Dogme ELT) on L2 Speaking and Willingness to Communicate (WTC) [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 261-288]
Contributions of KARDS to Iranian EFL University Teachers’ Professional Identity [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 127-156]
Early/Delayed Form-Focused Instruction
The role of sequencing isolated form focused instruction and complexity in developing English grammatical knowledge by Iranian monolinguals and bilinguals [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 323-350]
EFL teacher identity
Professional Identity and Teaching Quality: The case of Iranian EFL teachers [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 201-225]
EFL teachers
On the Relationship between Teacher Resilience and Self- efficacy: The Case of Iranian EFL Teachers [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 277-292]
Relationship between classroom environment, teacher behavior, cognitive and emotional engagement, and state motivation [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 27-56]
Iranian EFL Learners' Beliefs towards Teaching and Learning of Pronunciation [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 221-251]
English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
A Change without a Change!!: National Curriculum Reform and EFL Teachers’ Motivation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 293-325]
English as foreign language (EFL)
“This Is a Food Ad but It Is Presenting Gender Stereotypes!”: Practicing Critical Language Awareness in an Iranian EFL Context [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 227-259]
English Language Literacy (ELL)
Exploring English Language Literacy as a Form of Narrative by Tracing Life and Resistance Stories in Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 253-275]
The political aspects of positivist ELT research articles [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 155-176]
Definitional Clarifications in the Introductions of PhD theses: A Genre-Based Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 57-93]
Iranian EFL learners
Iranian EFL Learners' Beliefs towards Teaching and Learning of Pronunciation [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 221-251]
Isolated Form-focused Instruction
The role of sequencing isolated form focused instruction and complexity in developing English grammatical knowledge by Iranian monolinguals and bilinguals [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 323-350]
Keywords: Celebrities
A Visual Analysis of English Language Textbooks: Celebrities’ Role as Cultural Figures [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 55-78]
Keywords: communicative ability
The Effect of Task Type on Autonomous EFL Learners’ Interactive Negotiations in a Text-based Synchronous Computer-mediated Context [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 177-200]
Keywords: Identity
Professional Identity and Teaching Quality: The case of Iranian EFL teachers [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 201-225]
Contributions of KARDS to Iranian EFL University Teachers’ Professional Identity [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 127-156]
L2 speaking
The Effect of Dogme Language Teaching (Dogme ELT) on L2 Speaking and Willingness to Communicate (WTC) [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 261-288]
Language Town
Authenticity of “Language Town” as an Innovation in Assessing Learners’ Speaking Ability: Moving towards a Virtual Language Town (VLT) [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 289-302]
Main action
An Analysis of EFL Narrative Structure and Foreign Language Proficiency [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 29-53]
Materials analysis
Visual Representation of Culture in a Locally Developed EFL Series [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 157-187]
Medical students
Exploring English Language Literacy as a Form of Narrative by Tracing Life and Resistance Stories in Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 253-275]
On The Relationship between Test-Taking Strategies and EFL Reading Performance [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 189-219]
Narrative Inquiry
Exploring English Language Literacy as a Form of Narrative by Tracing Life and Resistance Stories in Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 253-275]
Narratives Structure
An Analysis of EFL Narrative Structure and Foreign Language Proficiency [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 29-53]
Phrasal Complexity Features
Exploring Phrasal Complexity Features in Graduate Students’ Data Commentaries and Research Articles [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 115-153]
Professional Identity
Professional Identity and Teaching Quality: The case of Iranian EFL teachers [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 201-225]
Iranian EFL Learners' Beliefs towards Teaching and Learning of Pronunciation [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 221-251]
Quality of teaching
Professional Identity and Teaching Quality: The case of Iranian EFL teachers [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 201-225]
Contributions of KARDS to Iranian EFL University Teachers’ Professional Identity [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 127-156]
Research Article
Exploring Phrasal Complexity Features in Graduate Students’ Data Commentaries and Research Articles [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 115-153]
Resistance Language and Literature (RLL)
Exploring English Language Literacy as a Form of Narrative by Tracing Life and Resistance Stories in Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 253-275]
An Analysis of EFL Narrative Structure and Foreign Language Proficiency [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 29-53]
Contributions of KARDS to Iranian EFL University Teachers’ Professional Identity [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 127-156]
On the Relationship between Teacher Resilience and Self- efficacy: The Case of Iranian EFL Teachers [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 277-292]
Speaking Ability
Authenticity of “Language Town” as an Innovation in Assessing Learners’ Speaking Ability: Moving towards a Virtual Language Town (VLT) [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 289-302]
Structural Complexity
The role of sequencing isolated form focused instruction and complexity in developing English grammatical knowledge by Iranian monolinguals and bilinguals [Volume 11, Issue 24, 2019, Pages 323-350]
Teacher Education
Contributions of KARDS to Iranian EFL University Teachers’ Professional Identity [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 127-156]
Teacher interpersonal behavior
Relationship between classroom environment, teacher behavior, cognitive and emotional engagement, and state motivation [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 27-56]
Teacher Professional Identity
Contributions of KARDS to Iranian EFL University Teachers’ Professional Identity [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 127-156]
Teacher’s Feedback
A Comparative Study of Writing Assessment Using Activity Theory-Based Assessment Model (ATBAM) and a Traditional Approach [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 1-25]
Test performance
On The Relationship between Test-Taking Strategies and EFL Reading Performance [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 189-219]
Test-taking strategies
On The Relationship between Test-Taking Strategies and EFL Reading Performance [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 189-219]
Definitional Clarifications in the Introductions of PhD theses: A Genre-Based Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 57-93]
Visual Representation of Culture in a Locally Developed EFL Series [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 157-187]
Writing Skill Assessment
A Comparative Study of Writing Assessment Using Activity Theory-Based Assessment Model (ATBAM) and a Traditional Approach [Volume 11, Issue 23, 2019, Pages 1-25]