Document Type : Research Paper


Urmia University


Teachers are the most important players of every educational system in different societies; accordingly, understanding their personal reflections may help us gain valuable insights into what it means to be a teacher in a specific cultural and social context. The purpose of this case study was to investigate the life and career of 6 non-native English speaking teachers in state educational systems and private institutes in Iran so that a clear image of EFL teacher’s perceptions on their own language learning, teaching experiences, current conditions and expectations, and their possible attempts to innovate in their classrooms would be obtained. By conducting a series of repeated interviews and observations within the period of one year, the researcher collected the required data and examined them through the process of meaning categorization. The outcomes suggested that most teachers either in state or private schools were not satisfied with their current living status or working conditions. Moreover, they were struggling with lots of de-motivating factors in their career and life due to some external and internal policies imposed by authorities. It is discussed that by giving voice to EFL teachers in Iran, their real status would be revealed and, consequently, some improvements would be made towards their essential needs and expectations.


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