Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of TEFL, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran

2 Department of Foreign Languages, Dashtestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran


This study is an attempt to explore the integration of positive psychology within language testing, while assessing its effects on learner performance, self-efficacy, motivation, and test anxiety in EFL contexts. Postulated on a mixed-method approach, firstly, the study involves in a quasi-experimental design, where 100 EFL learners were assigned into control and experimental groups. The latter group experienced strength-based feedback and growth-focused assessment practices. The results of the paired t-tests and ANCOVA revealed significant improvements in the EFL students' language proficiency, with the anxiety construct reduced by 30%, alongside substantial increases in the constructs of motivation and self-efficacy. These outcomes can be taken into account as the highlight of the efficacy of positive psychology interventions, contrasting with traditional deficit-focused models of assessment. Afterwards, in the qualitative phase, the research advocates for a paradigm shift in language testing, while emphasizing EFL learners' emotional well-being, cognitive engagement, and learner autonomy. Furthermore, this study contributes to the broader discourse, representing implications on rethinking pedagogical approaches to language assessment, proposing more humanistic and learner-centered frameworks.


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