Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

2 English Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

3 English Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ardabil, Iran


Objective: This study explores the effect of recruiting topics valued by students along with the interest-igniting mode of reading texts, collectively framed as funds of identity, on willingness to read.

Methods: To this end, three groups of students were recruited. Over a 17-session experiment, all the three groups received books in and out of tune with their FoI, elicited through an initial-semester researcher-made questionnaire. One group (n = 20) received e-books with few interactive features, the second group (n = 20) received e-books with no interactive features, and the third group (n = 20) received print books. WTR and attitude changes toward e-books were assessed using initial- and final-semester questionnaires. Students were also required to send summaries of their readings and keep journals throughout the experiment. They finally gave a post-treatment interview.

Results: Qualitative sets of data in juxtaposition with quantitative ones lent support to the positive influence FoI and e-books exercised on WTR and attitude change toward e-books.

Conclusions: FoI operationalized through e-books increased learners' WTR. In light of the patterns of changes observed, FoI of students are suggested to be taken into consideration for obtaining better educational results.


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