Document Type : Research Paper


University of Isfahan


Motivation for learning a new language does not have an all-or-none impact. It is gradually formed and fluctuated over time and on each timescale has varying levels of influence on a person’s endeavor to learn a language. At the present time, scholars claim that throughout the Second Language Development (SLD) different timescales interact with each other and this interaction is nonlinear, complex and dynamic in nature (de Bot, 2015). The present study attempted to investigate the motivational dynamics of a group of language learners in longer timescales composed of a number of tasks performed on shorter timescales. Ten participants were interviewed at the onset, while performing tasks and at the end of the course to better picture the interplay of different motivational themes over time. The findings confirmed temporal variation in participants’ motivation. Moreover, the data revealed the fact that motivational themes were not equally effective over the course and during task performance. In addition, participants’ motivation was composed of a web of interrelated and dynamic factors which varied over different timescales. Finally, some implications were driven from the findings of the study.


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