Document Type : Research Paper


English Language and Literature Department, Yazd University, Iran


This study explores the impact of "EngVid" YouTube channel on improving Iranian EFL Learners' speaking abilities. The program employed in this study provided the learners with video clips for Improving their speaking skills. The participants were forty-eight advanced EFL learners studying English at a private institute in Esfahan. The participants were assigned to experimental and control groups. The YouTube channel "EngVid" is used in this project as a technological tool to enhance students' speaking abilities in the experimental group. The pair-work method was employed in the experimental class. On the other hand, the control group should present at the class and received help from the researcher through the conventional method. After six sessions, a post test was given to experimental and control groups. The application of an independent t-test and paired sample t-test indicated that the performance of the participants exposed to video clips from "EngVid" YouTube channel was significantly superior to that of the control group. The present study offers valuable insights for CALL material designers in selecting the optimal combination of video clips from platforms like YouTube to facilitate L2 speaking skills.


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