Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of English Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of English Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

3 Department of English Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Iran


It is believed that classroom interaction is essential for learning a second 
language (L2). Studies on teaching second/foreign language present evidence that affirms the significance of interaction in language learning and its function in facilitating learners' attempts to gain competency in an L2. They also consider learners’ affective states and their perceptions of classroom interaction to be as significant as instruction. On the other hand, the notion of willingness to communicate (WTC) in an L2 has attracted interest in L2 research and how to accelerate L2 learners’ WTC is gaining importance day by day. Considering the significance of these two constructs in L2 learning, this article reports on an investigation into EFL learners’ perceptions of class interactions in English language and how these perceptions are related to their WTC. Applying quantitative methods, the study aims to examine how Iraqi EFL learners’ perceptions of interaction inside the class are correlated to their L2 WTC. The data obtained from 112 learners were utilized for analysis. The findings indicated different kinds of learners’ perceptions of class interactions in English, including perceptions of interaction with the teacher, perceptions of interaction with group members, perceptions of interaction in pairs, and perceptions of classroom interaction between others, are positively related to WTC. The findings have implications for research and teaching.


Main Subjects

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